Time to start the discussion of our next novel from The Bestseller Code 100 list, Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good by Jan Karon.
This post does not contain spoilers.
Somewhere Safe With Somebody Good by Jan Karon (2014)
(*Amazon Affiliate link)
Summary: Father Tim Kavanagh has returned to Mitford, North Carolina with his wife Cynthia. He’s retired, but feels his life is missing something. He can’t seem to figure out what he wants to do about it.
This is the twelfth novel in the Mitford series, which features the multiple generations of the Kavanagh family. The fourteenth novel in the series came out in September, 2017.
Mitford is a fictional place, but there’s a map of the town in the front of the book.
Have you read Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good by Jan Karon? We’d love to hear your thoughts.
Related posts:
- Book-beginnings, a discussion of the first line of the novel
- Karen’s review from a reader’s perspective
- Roberta’s review from a writer’s perspective
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- The full list is now posted on GoodReads
Do you have suggestions for ways to improve this reading challenge? We’d love to hear them.
Have you written about Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good by Jan Karon? Feel free to add a link to your review in the comments.
What are we reading next?
If you ever have questions about what we are reading next or when we’re starting the next discussion, check the 100 Book List tab in the navigation bar at the top of the blog. Links in the list go to the landing page from this blog where the discussion starts. However, this is an open-ended challenge so feel free to jump in with any of the books at any time.
The next book is number 57. Fifty Shades of Grey by E. L. James (2011) – Discussion begins June 25, 2018
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