Big news:  Mystery Most Devious, the newest Malice Domestic anthology was released last weekend in conjunction with the conference April 26 and 27, 2024 in Bethusda, MD.  Better news:  my short story, “Bodyguard of Lies” is included! The anthology is currently available from Wildside Press and also from Amazon.

Isn’t the cover fabulous?

According to the blurb, Mystery Most Devious features mysteries in the Agatha Christie tradition, but with a devious new twist.

My short story is a contemporary mystery set in Toronto.

I want to thank Claire A Murray, current president of SINC Desert Sleuths, for bringing the Malice Domestic call for submissions to my attention. A SINC Desert Sleuths’ lecture by Mr. Kurt Hammer in November 2022 about the US Postal Inspection Service inspired some of the details.

I also want to thank my fabulous critique partners for their feedback –which made the story so much better– and for being willing to work on a short deadline.  I owe you more than I can say.

The Details

Edited by John Betancourt, Michael Bracke, and Carla Coupe

Introduction by Michael Bracken

Stories by:

Susan Love Brown
Jackie McMahon
Mary Adler
Leone Ciporin
Sue Anger
Sarah Stephens
P.A. De Voe
*Roberta Gibson*
Jill K. Quinn
Jennifer Slee
Ashley-Ruth M. Bernier
Joslyn Chase
Christine Eskilson
Linda Norlander
Smita Harish Jain
Hope Hodgkins
Josh Pachter