#Bloggiesta Challenge: Bullet Journal for Your Blog

Andrea at The Overstuffed Bookcase has a wonderful mini-challenge for using a bullet journal to keep your blog organized.

I’m afraid I had to rush through this one a bit, because I’m due at a birthday party shortly. I highly recommend heading over to Andrea’s blog and reading more about the potential of bullet journals.




Okay, I admit I’m totally weird, but I have a lot of blogs so I keep track of upcoming posts in vertical columns. How it works is each column is a blog, and each row is a day of the week. This way I can see all the posts scheduled for a given day and how they flow within a given blog. Sometimes posts on two blogs tie together.

Again, I was in a hurry, so it isn’t very neat and pretty. Hopefully you get the idea.


  1. Karen

    Bullet Journal. Who knew?!

    Very intriguing.

    • Roberta

      I highly recommend you go to the challenge post, because I didn’t do it justice.

      • Karen

        Oh, I already have! And then followed links from there to Buzzfeed that explains in a lot more detail how to set it up and another article that shows a lot more examples of what you can do with bullet journals. I am very intrigued.

  2. Andrea @ The Overstuffed Bookcase

    I’m so glad you enjoyed the challenge! I think this is a great start to using a bullet journal to organize your blogs! I know some people use multiple bullet journals to keep different things organized (like their personal stuff, their work stuff, and their blog stuff), but you might think about doing different bullet journals for each of your blogs! Just an idea! I have just one bullet journal with all my personal and blog stuff all together, but I’m thinking about making one for the book I’m writing. Thanks so much for participating in the challenge and I hope you are able to come up with lots of great ways to use your bullet journal for your blogs! 🙂

    • Roberta

      Andrea, Bullet journals are definitely better that my old method, which was random pieces of paper from legal pads. 🙂

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