I accidentally ended up with two paperback copies of A Day Late and a Dollar Short by Terry McMillan for The Bestseller Code 100 Challenge. Our discussion for the book is supposed to start October 30, 2017, so let’s have a quick giveaway for the extra copy.

If you are participating in our reading challenge and would like a chance to receive a paperback copy of A Day Late and a Dollar Short by Terry McMillan, please leave a comment on this blog post with a valid e-mail address. Let’s make the deadline by 12:00 noon Eastern Daylight Time on Thursday 19, 2017. That will give the postal service time to deliver before the challenge discussion starts. I will randomly select a winner if more than one person enters. Let’s limit it to U.S. residents this time.
Edit: This giveaway is now closed.
You can comment on what your favorite book has been so far, if you’d like.