The Darkest Evening of the Year by Dean Koontz is next up on our 100 Bestsellers List reading challenge. Dean Koontz is a prolific writer, with 14 hardcover and 14 paperback novels making the number one position on the New York Times Bestseller List. With that many books, I’m rather surprised that I have not read a single one. I guess all those flashy book covers and prominent positioning in books stores are wasted on me.
This post contains spoilers.
The Darkest Evening of the Year by Dean Koontz
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Pleasant Surprise
Since I have not read any of Koontz’s books, I wasn’t sure what to expect when I picked up The Darkest Evening of the Year. I was pleasantly surprised to be drawn in immediately by both the characters and the plot. I loved the interplay of conversation between two of the main characters, Amy Redwing and Brian McCarthy. They sounded like an old married couple, and yet further reading would reveal that they had only known each other a few months. Their connection on multiple levels was immediately apparent and made several future scenes of the book all the more believable.
“I love October,” she said, looking away from the street. “Don’t you love October?”
“This is still September.”
“I can love October in September. September doesn’t care.”
“Watch where you’re going.”
“I love San Francisco, but it’s hundreds of miles away.”
“The way you’re driving, we’ll be there in ten minutes.”
“I’m a superb driver. No accidents, no traffic citations.”
He said, “My entire life keeps flashing before my eyes.”
“You should make an appointment with an ophthalmologist.”
“Amy, please, don’t keep looking at me.”
“You look fine, sweetie. Bed hair becomes you.”
“I man, watch the road.”
Koontz obviously has a flair for writing memorable characters. The two main antagonists, Moongirl and Harrow, are as fascinating as they are evil. The only complaint I have is that I would have liked to learn more of Moongirl’s backstory. We are given a glimpse into Harrow’s childhood and can see the influences that helped create the sociopath he is as an adult, but we don’t aren’t given the same depth of backstory with Moongirl.
Supernatural or Spiritual
There are aspects of the supernatural in The Darkest Hour of the Night; Brian’s marathon drawing session, the golden retriever Nickie, Amy’s phone call from the long-dead nun. Or did the author intend the reader to see a more spiritual theme running through this novel? There were many references to the sounds and shadows of angel wings and a scene of miraculous healing. Even though this book was categorized as a psychological thriller, I found the spiritual aspect of it much more believable than our previous book, Cross Roads by Wm. Paul Young, which was considered Christian fiction.
Koontz’s love of dogs, specifically Golden Retrievers, shines throughout the novel like a warm candle glow, lighting the way in even the darkest hour. His belief in the redemptive and healing powers of a dog’s love is one of the main themes of The Darkest Hour of the Night. Nickie is much more than a dog in this novel – she’s one of the main characters and also the conduit for angels (and thus God) to eliminate evil and right the wrongs perpetrated by the evildoers.
The Title
We’ve been reading these books to discover why the computer algorithm in The Bestseller Code chose them as bestsellers. One of the variables looked at by the algorithm was book title.
Bestselling titles might also capture an event, and we can presume that if an event makes the title page it is not just a plot point but something that provides the story with a more fundamental structure and meaning. Accident is one such title…. Nothing will be the same before or after that moment, that day, that kiss, that accident. The fate of the characters is to respond, to react, to reacclimatize. But the characters are not the primary agent: the event is bigger than they are.
The Darkest Evening of The Year is an apt title for this bestseller. We know even before we begin to read that something dire is going to happen, that the darkest night isn’t referring to a lunar eclipse. Every page, every theme, every plot device is propelling the characters forward on an inevitable trajectory to that darkest evening and we are along for the ride. It’s definitely a ride worth taking.
Related posts:
- Book-beginnings, a discussion of the first line of the novel
- Karen’s review from a reader’s perspective
- Roberta’s review from a writer’s perspective
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The next book is number 66. The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold (2002) – Discussion begins February 19, 2018
Mix of genres