#BookBeginnings The Last Child by John Hart

Today we’re highlighting The Last Child by John Hart for Book Beginnings on Fridays. Book Beginnings is a fun meme hosted by Rose City Reader blog. The premise to share the first sentence or so of a novel you are reading and your thoughts about it.



The Last Child* by John Hart

(*Amazon Affiliate link)

Summary:  Johnny Merrimon’s twin sister disappeared a year ago when she was seen being dragged into a van. Now everyone seems to think she’s dead. Thirteen-year-old Johnny can’t give up on her, though, so he decides to start a search of his own.

First Sentence of the Prologue:

Asphalt cut the country like a scar, a long, hot burn of razor-black.


Doesn’t it sound like this book is going to be intense?

I recently read A Stolen Life by Jaycee Dugard. which is her memoir about how she was dragged into a van and held many years by a sexual predator. It will be interesting to see if there are any parallels in this novel.

Did anyone else notice that John Hart named his main character Johnny? Do you know of any other books where the main character has the same or a similar name to the author?

I’m also curious about the protagonist being a thirteen-year-old boy, which is a bit unconventional for an adult novel. Young protagonists are more common in middle grade and young adult fiction.

There is a police detective working on the case, too. I wonder how the two will interact. Is Detective Hunt a mentor? What about a detective who is searching for someone being named Hunt? Sounds like John Hart is a bit playful when it comes to naming his characters.

Can you tell I’m excited to be reading this one?

What do you think?


What are we reading next for The Bestseller Code challenge?

If you ever have questions about what we are reading next or when we’re starting the next discussion, check the 100 Book List tab in the navigation bar at the top of the blog.

The next book is number 96, The Last Child by John Hart (2009) – Discussion begins January 2, 2017


  1. Sandra Nachlinger

    GREAT description in the opening. Yes, the book sounds like it’s going to be intense. I’m already feeling tension just from reading the first sentence! I hope you enjoy the story.
    My Friday post features Náápiikoan Winter.

    • Roberta

      It has been very good so far. The protagonist seems mature beyond his years because of what he’s going through.

  2. Lauren @ Always Me

    That does sound like it will be intense – I’ll have to remember that one! 🙂

  3. Anne@Headfullofbooks

    The book indeed does sound intense. I had a friend whose daughter was nearly successfully dragged into a van by an abductor. It was only by the quick thinking of her sibling that she was saved. What a nightmare for a family. My Friday Quotes

    • Roberta


      That is scary. Glad her sibling was able to intervene.

  4. Wow that does sound intense! Love the beginning and I definitely want to find out what happens next.

  5. Laurel-Rain Snow

    Very descriptive excerpt from the prologue…now I can visualize the place. Thanks for sharing, and here’s mine: “THE MISSING”

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