Sunday Wrap-up: Reading Shutter Island in Depth



This week:

Karen and I launched our discussion of Shutter Island by Dennis Lehane, which is number 100 on the list of the best of the bestsellers. The list was created by the computer algorithm in The Bestseller Code by Jodie Archer and Matthew L. Jockers.

We both agreed it is a novel that sticks with the reader. It gave us a lot to ponder and talk about. We are wondering if all the novels on the list will be this complex.

Update of recent posts discussing Shutter Island:

On a personal note, I decided NaNoWriMo is rather like a marathon for writers. Some people love a marathon, and other people like to walk a few miles in the morning. I’m a walker.  I’m bowing out.

Things that I smell on my morning walk:
Wet dogs
New grass
Car exhaust
Dryer sheets from someone’s laundry
Breakfast cooking on Sunday mornings

Things I hear on my morning walk:
Dogs barking
Leaf blowers
Cars and trucks on the main street
Birds singing
Ducks quacking
The sound of my two feet on pavement

What’s coming up:

Review of Shutter Island from a writer’s perspective

Books currently reading:

Re-reading State of Wonder: A Novel by Ann Patchett for our discussion starting November 21, 2016.

Links to posts read and enjoyed on other sites:

Elizabeth at Silver’s Reviews introduced us to a fun meme Book Beginnings on Fridays at Rose City Reader. You probably already know about it, but I like it because it’s a fast and easy way to learn about new books.

Today we’re joining the Sunday Post meme at the Caffeinated Book Reviewer blog.




  1. Karen

    Leaf blowers should be outlawed!

    • Roberta

      They do making walking and breathing a challenge.

  2. Jane @ Raincity Librarian

    I couldn’t do NaNoWriMo, it’s really just not my style. I’m not a professional writer, and to try and force myself to write when I’m not feeling the words would just ruin the joy of writing for me. I have so much admiration for people who can make that kind of commitment and have that kind of personal discipline, but it’s just not for me either!

    • Roberta

      The drama of doing NaNo pulls me in every year, and every year I end up hating the project I’m working on. I decided to quit NaNo rather than quit my project this time. I’m also admiting that to the public so I don’t forget and try it again next year. 🙂

  3. Lark @ The Bookwyrm's Hoard

    Nice metaphor for NaNoWriMo. My only attempt at it was an utter failure. (Then again, I’m not doing to well at making time for writing outside of NaNoWriMo either. ) I’m not sure if I’ll try it again in the future, but it’s definitely one of those things that works for some people and not for others. Good for you for seeing what does and doesn’t work for you, and being strong enough to bow out. (Because that does take strength. We’re all conditioned not to “give up”, but sometimes it’s what makes the most sense.)

    I enjoyed your list of smells and sounds on your (real) daily walks. I need to get back to those myself.

    • Roberta

      Thank you, Lark. You make a really good point about being conditioned not to give up even when it’s the better choice.

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